Today my guest is Jodie Zerega. Jodie is the owner of a legal recruiting firm operating out of Sarasota, Florida. As the name implies, they provide all types of recruiting services in the legal space for attorneys, or law firms looking to hire attorneys, and frankly, for attorneys looking to be hired by law firms. In addition, they recently started a division, catering to the needs of recruiting law firm staff, such as paralegals and administrative staff. As I go around the country listening to people talk about their concerns about the business of law, the recurring theme that I hear over and over again is the difficulty in firing in hiring good help, good attorneys, and good staff. So using a legal recruiting firm, like Zerega Consulting, might solve that issue and that’s one of the reasons I wanted to have Jodie on the podcast. So without any further delay, let’s learn a little bit about legal recruiting with Jodie Zerega. 

In this episode, Neil and Jodie discuss:


Key Takeaways:


“It’s really become a candidates market, which puts the law firms in a very precarious situation.” —  Jodie Zerega

Get in touch with Jodie Zerega:


Attorney Jobs App:  


Phone: 404-660-3414


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 Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

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