What They Didn't Teach Us About Running a Business in Law School

Sam Mollaei
Neil Tyra


Do you ever feel like what you learned in law school didn't prepare you for the world of running a law practice? Law school didn't teach us how to start our practices the right way so we could scale them into a thriving business. We didn't learn how to make sure that our businesses would meet our financial goals and provide the type of lifestyle we deserve. After ten years, I was fed up with struggling in my practice and decided to begin a journey to scaling a

successful practice that would actually allow me to finally live the life I've always dreamed of. I invite you to listen in on the conversations I'm having with some of the most successful solo and small firm practitioners  along with leading business entrepreneurs and share how I am implementing what I am learning. All with the goal of helping you take control of your practice, and your life. This is The Law Entrepreneur.

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408. 7 Hiring Mistakes Every Lawyer Needs To Avoid

By | July 26, 2024

In this episode, Neil and Sam provide insights into hiring for law firms. They share perspectives on distinctions that can make or break a hiring decision, emphasizing the importance of building a team aligned with your firm’s vision. Whether you’re struggling with hiring or ensuring team alignment, this episode offers valuable strategies to avoid common hiring missteps and create a more productive workplace.

Key Takeaways from Neil and Sam:

  • Hiring Talkers Instead of Doers: Differentiate candidates who excel in presentation from those with a proven track record. Verify past accomplishments through references or work examples, not just interview skills.
  • Not Hiring Enough: Anticipate growth by hiring proactively to prevent bottlenecks and avoid overloading existing staff. Hiring six months in advance helps maintain quality and service levels as the firm grows.
  • Skipping the Trial Period: Implement a trial period or initial project as part of the hiring process to assess the fit before making a long-term commitment. This approach allows both the firm and the candidate to gauge compatibility effectively.
  • Failing to Define the Role Clearly: Regularly review job descriptions and involve team members in defining roles. Clear, specific roles enhance performance and job satisfaction.
  • Overvaluing Credentials Over Capability: Avoid focusing solely on impressive degrees or big-name employers without assessing the candidate’s practical skills and real-world effectiveness. Practical skills and a proven track record are more indicative of future success.
  • Neglecting Onboarding and Training: Structured onboarding and continuous training are crucial for integrating new hires. Proper onboarding reduces turnover and increases job satisfaction.
  • Not Considering Remote Candidates: Limiting your search to local talent is a significant oversight in today’s digital age. Widening the talent pool to include remote candidates brings diversity in thought and innovation, expanding the firm’s capabilities.


“Whenever we’re in business and we have to deal with people, usually the people is the hardest part of every business.” —  Neil Tyra

“It does take some time to find the right people, but there are stellar superstars out there that can do a lot for you.” —  Sam Mollaei

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If you’ve enjoyed the podcast, please head to Apple Podcasts, leave a rating and a review for the show! It only takes a moment, and really helps us to reach new listeners. You can also head to the website at TheLawEntrepreneur.com for more information on the podcast.

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407. 5 Biggest Time Wasters Every Lawyer Must Avoid

By | July 19, 2024

In this episode, Neil and Sam delve into transformative strategies for law firm owners, highlighting how to streamline client intake, enhance productivity, and manage client interactions more effectively. You’ll gain insights into optimizing client consultations, leveraging virtual assistants, and using tools to manage emails efficiently—all aimed at reducing burnout and boosting your firm’s growth. Tune in to learn proven strategies designed to make your practice more efficient and client-centric, ensuring sustainable growth and success.

Key Takeaways from Neil and Sam:

  • Signing Up Clients Yourself: Handling client sign-ups personally is inefficient and limits your scalability. As your client base grows, this manual process becomes a bottleneck, consuming valuable time that could be better spent on legal work. Delegating this task to dedicated virtual intake specialists can streamline the process. This allows lawyers to focus on more critical legal tasks and prevent burnout​.
  • Constant Emailing: Constantly checking emails is distracting and stressful. This habit adds new tasks to your schedule and increases stress levels. Using tools like Mixmax for email automation and setting specific times to check emails can significantly reduce this time trap. This enables lawyers to concentrate on high-value activities​​.
  • That Meeting Could’ve Been an Email: Unstructured meetings can waste a lot of time. To avoid this, schedule meetings on specific days, limit them to 30 minutes, and always have a clear agenda. Being selective with meeting invitations helps maintain control over your schedule. This approach maximizes productivity and ensures meetings are purposeful​​.
  • Social Media Overusage: Excessive social media use distracts from productive work and reduces your ability to focus. Unless used strategically for business purposes, social media can detract from productivity and well-being. Limiting social media use is essential for maintaining better mental focus. Lawyers should be mindful of their social media habits to avoid wasting time​.
  • Not Using Zapier for Repetitive Tasks: Failure to automate repetitive tasks leads to inefficient use of time. Tools like Zapier can automate many of these tasks, increasing productivity. This allows lawyers to focus on more critical aspects of their work. Embracing automation can significantly enhance the efficiency of your practice​.
  • Other Ideas: Spending excessive time on low-impact tasks is a major time waster. Examples include perfectionism in minor activities, manual document management, and micromanaging staff. Prioritizing high-impact tasks and delegating or streamlining less critical activities is crucial. This approach optimizes time and boosts overall productivity.


“Multitasking is not a way to manage your time; it’s actually more of a time suck than an enhancement to your efficiency.” —  Neil Tyra

“Sometimes it’s good to be cutthroat with your own rules. If not, other people will make rules for you.” —  Sam Mollaei

Join Lawyer Club FREE, where lawyers and law firm owners come to reclaim control of their firms and their lives! Plus, get the full list of Best AI Tools For Lawyers inside!

Get in touch with Sam:

If you’ve enjoyed the podcast, please head to Apple Podcasts, leave a rating and a review for the show! It only takes a moment, and really helps us to reach new listeners. You can also head to the website at TheLawEntrepreneur.com for more information on the podcast.

Listen to the episode here

406. Lawyer AI Updates For Apple and iPhone Users

By | July 12, 2024

In this episode Neil and Sam dive into the exciting world of Apple’s latest AI advancements unveiled at the Apple Developer Conference. They explore how these cutting-edge updates, including Apple Intelligence, promise to revolutionize the user experience across iPhones, MacBooks, and iPads while maintaining a strong focus on privacy. As avid Apple enthusiasts, Neil and Sam break down the top seven updates, shedding light on how Apple’s deliberate and thoughtful integration of AI aims to enhance functionality without compromising user data security. Tune in to discover how these innovations could transform your daily tech interactions and streamline your law practice.

Key Takeaways from Neil and Sam:

  • Apple Intelligence: Apple introduced “Apple Intelligence” (AI), an advanced system that knows everything about you while keeping your data private and stored only on your iPhone. Apple states “your data is never stored” on external servers and is used solely for your requests. This contrasts with companies like Google, which extensively collect user data. Siri enhancements include better understanding, typing like a chatbot, on-screen awareness, and eventually controlling your iPhone upon request.
  • Integration of ChatGPT with Apple Devices: ChatGPT, now officially integrated with Apple devices, marks a significant collaboration as Apple joined forces with its competitor Microsoft. This partnership arose because Apple had not developed its own language model, and integrating ChatGPT prevents them from falling behind in the AI race, allowing users to benefit from one of the best LLMs natively on Apple devices​​.
  • AI Writing Tools: Apple introduced new AI writing tools across Mac apps that utilize AI to write emails, summarize text, rewrite content, proofread, and suggest responses and tones, enhancing productivity and communication efficiency​​.
  • AI-Generated Emojis and Text Effects: “Genmoji” allows users to create AI-generated emojis and text effects. This feature, which takes user descriptions to generate new emojis, elevates the emoji experience significantly​​.
  • AI-Powered Image Editing: AI capabilities now include the ability to clean up images and remove people from photos, offering enhanced photo editing functionalities​​.
  • AI-Powered Call Transcripts and Summaries: The AI-powered call transcript feature transcribes calls, summarizes them, and enables sharing across apps and emails. It also allows for summarizing audio recordings and voice memos​​.
  • iPhone Mirroring on Mac (Sam’s favorite update): You can now mirror your iPhone on your Mac. This feature enhances the existing convenience of using your phone’s text on your laptop, marking a significant improvement in user experience​​.


“I think what sets Apple apart is they don’t ever jump into anything in a rush or haphazardly. They think it all through and they think it through their entire ecosystem.” —  Neil Tyra

“It’s the part of AI that I think will be most impactful when Siri is able to do things for you and control the iPhone when you ask it to do something. So it’s kind of AI plus actions being done.” —  Sam Mollaei

Join Lawyer Club FREE, where lawyers and law firm owners come to reclaim control of their firms and their lives! Plus, get the full list of Best AI Tools For Lawyers inside!

Get in touch with Sam:

If you’ve enjoyed the podcast, please head to Apple Podcasts, leave a rating and a review for the show! It only takes a moment, and really helps us to reach new listeners. You can also head to the website at TheLawEntrepreneur.com for more information on the podcast.

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