About Us

The Origins of The Law Entrepreneur

Started by Attorney Neil Tyra in 2016, The Law Entrepreneur podcast has served the legal community in two distinct ways: by shedding light on the shortcomings of law school in preparing lawyers for business ownership and acting as a mentor for listeners in their pursuit of legal entrepreneurship.

After 8 years of regular podcasting, Neil decided it was time for a change and announced in January 2024 that he would halt production.

Recognizing its immense value to the law community, Sam Mollaei, Esq., entrepreneur, owner of 4 multi-million dollar law firms, and Founder of My Legal Academy, reached out to Neil to keep The Law Entrepreneur’s legacy alive.

We are delighted and honored to reintroduce The Law Entrepreneur: created by Neil Tyra, now powered by My Legal Academy. Sam Mollaei is your new host with Neil Tyra as your occasional co-host.

Who is Sam Mollaei?

Sam Mollaei is an attorney based out of Los Angeles, California who pioneered the “virtual law firm” industry by building 3 multi-million dollar law firms by age 35.

In 2022, he published Virtual Law Firm Secrets: How to Run Your Law Firm So It Doesn’t Run You book. Today, his law firms continue to grow to 7- and 8-figure revenues.

Born in Iran and raised in Los Angeles, Sam’s journey is one of perseverance, dedication, and intense focus.

Upon graduating from UCLA and later Southwestern University School of Law, Sam became disillusioned with the traditional lawyer path.

Inspired by a friend’s success in starting a law firm, Sam decided to forge his own way.

Through deploying his newfound legal skills, exerting his independent and rebellious spirit, and exercising his insatiable hunger for knowledge, Sam created the first marketing funnel for lawyers and generated $1 million in his first four years.

He went on to create Legal Funnel, a platform to teach lawyers the principles of marketing, KPIs, hiring, and scaling where he empowered aspiring law firm owners with the tools to achieve success.

In 2023, Legal Funnel was rebranded to My Legal Academy.

Who is My Legal Academy?

My Legal Academy was created to meet a growing market need for a tech-driven company dedicated to helping lawyers and law firm owners automate and scale their practices. 

This rebranding aims to catalyze unprecedented professional success and personal freedom for legal professionals.

My Legal Academy Services

My Legal Academy offers paid, done-with-you services to implement advanced technology and business development practices. 

However, Sam identified a need for something even bigger…

Introducing Lawyer Club

Lawyer Club is a collaborative platform born out of an intense desire to democratize access to information so lawyers may succeed in all aspects of life and empower them to be the conductors of their destinies.

Lawyer Club is a place for forward-thinking lawyers and law firm owners to gather, learn, and grow alongside each other. It offers a wealth of free information, resources, and courses to help lawyers leverage modern technology to scale their firms. 

The Vision and Legacy of The Law Entrepreneur

Created by Neil Tyra and now powered by My Legal Academy, The Law Entrepreneur continues to evolve. 

Neil, recognizing the rapid pace of technological advancement, has entrusted Sam to continue his mission to educate lawyers with the knowledge and skills they didn’t learn in law school.

Sam is committed to providing abundant value to the legal community through education on technology, business development, and law. In a rapidly changing world, adaptation is key to survival.

As a listener of The Law Entrepreneur, you can expect the latest insights on AI developments, practical tools for your law firm, and how technology and business development can lead to a balanced and fulfilled lifestyle.