
We Made the Daily Record!

The following article first appeared in the Maryland Daily Record – which is a trusted source of legal, government, and business information here in Maryland. It is reprinted here with permission. It’s the law: Legal podcasters seek the ear of their industry By: Special to The Daily Record Julia Arbutus August 2,

Enlightenment in Orlando

I am never disappointed when I go to MacTrack Legal. Never. And this year was no exception. Two and a half days of technical sessions, plenty of socializing and snacking breaks, the allure of Disney World, and great weather. I mean, what is not to like? My only regret is

The Biggest Secret Behind Successful Solo Law Firms: Revealed

This is a guest post from Episode 128 guest Lexlee Overton. You can find out more information about Lexlee along with special discount at the end of the post.   Most of us think that the secret to being more successful is to be, do and have MORE. More technology.

DIY Brain Improvement

As you know, I am a podcast junkie. One that I listen to consistently is Jim Kwik’s “Kwik Brain” which describes itself as a fun fast paced show to help busy people learn and achieve anything in a fraction of the time. I first started listening to his podcast beginning

I Suck at Being Accountable…

There is no productivity system or tool that I can’t ignore and make useless. Honestly. I am the worse. In order to juggle three jobs (attorney, podcaster, business owner) – or maybe it’s four or five if you add social butterfly and family – I have an elaborate productivity system

The Good Times (Vegas), The Bad Times (Sick)

Yep, that pretty much describes why I haven’t written anything for awhile. First I was out at the Lawyernomics 2016 conference in Las Vegas sponsored by AVVO. Then I got deathly ill with some type of bubonic plague or maybe it’s just a bad cold or sinus infection. I’m thinking more