
Success! We Are Up and Running on iTunes!

Finally, we are up and running on iTunes! What a journey. I really want to thank Geoff Woods of The Mentee Podcast who provided the coaching to get us here. And my producer and sound engineering wizard, Cody Boyce of Podcast Masters who has performed some real magic making this sound so good. And of

It’s Taking Longer Than I Expected

Jeez…this is taking a little while, isn’t it? So the plan originally was to have launched the podcast in early January. When that didn’t happen, I pushed it back internally to no later than my birthday at the end of January. And now? Well, looks like we are finally going

Sipping Water from a Firehose

Man there’s a lot of information out there about starting up a blog and podcasting venture! For someone easily distracted like myself, it can be hard to know where to start. I like to say it’s like trying to take a sip of water from a firehouse. There is so