Today my guest is Sarah Allen. Sarah is the partner account manager for Ruby Receptionists – the same company that is a sponsor for this podcast and has been for many, many years. In terms of full disclosure, I was a client of Ruby long before I started the podcast, and so it was a natural connection there when they agreed to become a sponsor and have been from near the beginning of this podcast. But Ruby has evolved over the years. And they recently really went through a management shake-up and they’ve added a bunch of features that they didn’t have at the time when I first started with Ruby. We’ve had a feel representative from Ruby back in the day when we talk just about Virtual Receptionist. Today, we talk about why Ruby is such a great company, and why the services offered are so appropriate for solo and small firm practitioners.  So without any further delay, here is my friend Sarah Allen.

In this episode, Neil and Sarah discuss:


Key Takeaways:


“Every call is more than just a conversation, it’s more than just answering the phone. There’s a lot more that goes into handling all those calls, and everything that goes along with them.” —  Sarah Allen

Get in touch with Sarah Allen:



Thank you to our sponsors!

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 Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

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