Today we welcome back an old friend of the show, Joey Coleman! A couple of weeks ago you listened to the classic rewind episode where we talked about Joey’s first book and, today, we welcome him back to talk about his newest book, Never Lose an Employee Again, which drops on June 27, 2023! I’ve said on many occasions that Joey’s first book was the single greatest business development book I’ve ever read – it was the only one that caused me to take massive action. I have no doubt that the same experience is going to happen with his newest book. So listen in and learn how you can create remarkable experiences for your customers, your employees, and yourself. I hope you enjoy! 

In this episode, Neil and Joey discuss:


Key Takeaways:


“Your customer experience is only ever going to be as great as your employee experience. As you improve the customer experience, the employee experience goes up. As the employee experience falls, so does the customer experience.” —  Joey Coleman

Get in touch with Joey Coleman:




Never Lose an Employee Again: 

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 Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

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