My guest today is David Neagle. He is a business consultant who doesn’t focus exclusively on legal clients but has a great many of them. We spend a fair amount of time talking about how the legal realm of business fits in with a general overall schema of how a business operates in this country and around the world. We drill down a little bit on some of the unique perspectives that he has from his background, and how the life he has lived has led him to lifelong learning and developing his skills as a business consultant. It’s a fascinating journey with a great story and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

In this episode, Neil and David discuss:


Key Takeaways:


“One of the most mature, courageous things any person in business can do is to admit where they’re not good, where they have no interest in becoming good, and learning how to find somebody that is way better than they are to do that specific piece.” —  David Neagle

Get in touch with David Neagle:



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Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

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