Jeff Gamet is a TextExpander Evangelist (yep, that’s his real title) from Smile, who are, as you might have guessed, the creators of TextExpander. I’ve been using TextExpander for a very long time, before I even became a lawyer, and it’s one of the first applications I install on any new device I get.

If you’re not familiar, TextExpander is an application that lets you insert “snippets” of text (or graphics), removing the tedium of typing things over and over again while assuring important information is always accurate. It’s perfect for form letters, email addresses, signatures, or anything else that you find yourself typing over and over again (or anything that your team will type over and over again). This feature is available in some other software, but TextExpander is so useful because your same abbreviations work anywhere with a cursor and across any device it’s installed on, whether that’s a computer, phone, or tablet.

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 Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

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