The Biggest Secret Behind Successful Solo Law Firms: Revealed

This is a guest post from Episode 128 guest Lexlee Overton. You can find out more information about Lexlee along with special discount at the end of the post.


Most of us think that the secret to being more successful is to be, do and have MORE.

More technology.

More clients.

More marketing.

More doing.

More hours.

If we could just figure out how to work more, we’d have more success – more money, time, clients, wins…

The truth is: doing and working more only results in burn out and overwhelmed.

So what’s the secret to success and happiness?

Your strategy, your online marketing tactics, your brand, finding your ideal customer, building a big list are all of those things that are helpful in being a successful entrepreneur.  But, the results that those activities produce are dependent upon mindset – the beliefs you have about yourself, your business and your life.

Your thoughts are manufacturing your experience of reality.

At some point, successful entrepreneurs realize that it’s not the marketing, or the strategy, or the competitors, or the technology, or even their own talent that is key to manifesting their vision and success. At some point, most successful entrepreneurs realize that the key to success is within our minds and there are simple, yet POWERFUL, methods that each and every one of us can harness.

The first step in training the mind is actually the secret of the world’s happiest man.

Yes, I said “happiest.”

Allow me to introduce you to the happiest man in the world. Matthieu Ricard, 72, is a French academic turned Buddhist with a PhD in biochemistry – who science thinks has the happiest mind in the world. He is currently the French interpreter for Tibet’s spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. Ricard took part in scientific trials to show that brain training can cause an overwhelming change in levels of happiness. His level of mind control is astonishing – and the upbeat impulses in his brain are off the scale.

So what’s his secret?

It may not be what you’re expecting – but it is the most ancient form of mind training in the world. In fact, it’s also a secret tool used by the most powerful leaders and companies in the world.

The secret: Meditation.

Meditation it is the oldest form of training of the mind in the world and thus one of the foundational tools for quickly accessing the mental power of productivity and success. Science is proving that it changes the brain – literally – and makes you more focused, centered, happier and even boosts your immune system.

Don’t just take my word for it.

Billionaire Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates (the world’s largest hedge fund firm explained in 2012), says that:

“Meditation more than anything in my life was the biggest ingredient of whatever success I’ve had.”

Dalio is in good company.

A number of Fortune 500 companies, including Google, AOL, Apple and Aetna, offer meditation and mindfulness classes for employees — and the top executives of many major corporations say that meditation has made them better leaders.

Even the U.S. military is studying the brain and how to tap into the power flow of the mind with meditation and mindset practices. Science is proving we can train and literally change the structure of our brains with meditation.

The purpose of all meditation and mindfulness practices is to train the mind to be more focused, creative and thus productive and successful. Meditation is just the beginning….it’s just one tool to manage our minds and how we perform.

3 Ways to get started becoming the happiest lawyer you know:

  1. Join  the free Mind Over Law Facebook Group, where lawyers just like you are sharing ideas and tips on how to become happier and more powerful in the practice of law.
  2. Start meditating for 10 minutes each morning. If that seems like too big of a goal for now, just plan to meditate tomorrow for 10 minutes. I promise you’ll see such a difference in your day, you’ll want to make time for it again. Download the Insight Timer App and search “Lexlee Overton” for meditations especially for busy lawyers.

Check out Lexlee’s Mindset Mastery Group Coaching Program and use promo code: 300off for a special $300 discount offer.

About the author, Neil Tyra

All through his legal career, Neil has been a pioneer in the use of leveraging technology to allow for the growth and prosperity of his law firm while providing outstanding client service. Recognition of his expertise and leadership in the legal technology space culminated in his creation of the popular legal podcast “The Law Entrepreneur”.

The podcast addresses the statement “What They Didn’t Teach Us about Running a Business in Law School”. It focuses on what it takes to start and run a solo or small firm law practice. Mostly the podcast includes interviews with successful solos and small firms to learn what they are doing right, what they have done wrong, what they wish they would have done differently. In addition, Neil interviews other entrepreneurs and business owners whose skill sets might be of interest to new law firm owners. Lastly, he loves to have what he calles “gadget folks” – those who have a product or service to sell that might help solo attorneys – on the show.