Today, my guest is Jonathan Rosenfeld. Jonathan is the principal owner and creator of his law firm, a personal injury law firm outside of Chicago. In our conversation today, we’ll talk a lot about the nuances of a personal injury practice, particularly in light of the fact that post-pandemic, many law firms are becoming more virtualized, and work is being done more in a remote fashion. We also look at this way of doing business in the personal injury space and if it lends itself to that type of workflow or not. Listen in to another great conversation!

In this episode, Neil and Jonathan discuss:


Key Takeaways:


“Without systems, there are a lot of opportunities in this business for errors. These are errors, which not only affect your business but, ultimately, they can affect the client’s case and it’s really hard to undo that type of damage.” —  Jonathan Rosenfeld

Get in touch with Jonathan Rosenfeld:





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Get in touch with Neil:





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Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

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