Today, my guest is Steph Tuss. Steph is the CEO of a company called Light Is Now, a consulting company that works with small firms and businesses, including law firms, to help them grow, prosper, and to give time back to those who are leading those endeavors to live their best life. We had her business partner, David Neagle, on last year and I wanted to have Steph on because she has more of the hands-on, tactical role in their company, whereas David is the more visionary individual, and so I wanted to kind of complete the picture with her. She gives some great tips and you will get some great takeaways. 

In this episode, Neil and Steph discuss:


Key Takeaways:


“You’ve got to start employing new behaviors because that’s the only way that change actually occurs. If you just have the awareness, nothing changes, nothing happens. You have to show up differently, which means you have to act differently.” —  Steph Tuss

Episode References: 

Get in touch with Steph Tuss:


Successful Mind Podcast: 


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 Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

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