Ep. 150 – Broadcast Your Authority: Why Attorneys Should Be Using Video – with Tamara Thompson

If you hang around in the podcast and entrepreneurial spaces long enough, you’re sure to come across Tamara Thompson, the CEO and founder of Serious Take Productions. Tamara and her team specialize in helping brands tell their story using video to produce a bigger impact and drive results by building rapport with their ideal clientele.


Today, she’s going to share how we can incorporate video into everything we do as an attorney – and the ramifications of choosing not to.




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  • Ruby Receptionist – Virtual receptionist & live call services that will help you grow your office (and save money), one call at a time – to learn more, go to callruby.com/lawentrepreneur or call 844.895.7829
  • Daylite by Marketcircle – business productivity apps specifically for Apple products, with cloud syncing between your Macs, iPhones, & iPads

The Law Entrepreneur is produced by Podcast Masters