Ep. 126 – Creating Social Proof with Better Testimonials – with Teresa “TC” Clark

Teresa Clark is the Managing Partner and Chief Marketing Office of OnFire Reviews and Content, a company that takes a unique approach to procuring effective testimonials for business owners.


We discuss OnFire’s process for eliciting quality testimonials, how small business owners can then use those testimonials, and why it’s important for developing social proof and differentiating yourself (and why this is especially important for attorneys).


Teresa is also generously offering Law Entrepreneurs listeners a FREE Wow Session followed by three customer interviews. That’s three free testominials! All you have to do is go to www.OnFireReviews.com/FreeSampleTLE




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  • Ruby Receptionist – Virtual receptionist & live call services that will help you grow your office (and save money), one call at a time – to learn more, go to callruby.com/lawentrepreneur or call 844.895.7829
  • Daylite by Marketcircle – business productivity apps specifically for Apple products, with cloud syncing between your Macs, iPhones, & iPads

The Law Entrepreneur is produced by Podcast Masters